
AWS SSL Certificate Uploading

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Whenever you need to enable the HTTPS secure communication for your website, if your are using AWS, ELB is a cool service on which you can define your SSL certificate and termination and scale the nodes without considering the certificate. ELB is able to perform SSL termination and communicate with the nodes with HTTP.

First of all you need to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request), assuming you need Wildcard SSL, CN is * :

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out star_domain_com.csr -keyout star_domain_com_private.key -subj "/C=TR/ST=Istanbul/L=Istanbul/O=domain/OU=IT/CN=*"

There will be 2 output files:

1. star_domain_com_private.key : This will be your private key

2. star_domain_com.csr : This will be used to request the certificate from a Certificate Authority

Next step is, by the help of CSR, to initiate the SSL certificate request from a certificate authority of your choice.

You will be provided from Certificate Authority, a Public Key:

SSL Public Key 

AWS is expecting from you a PEM format. In order to achieve that, you need to convert your certificate from CRT to PEM using openssl:

openssl x509 -in d06409309fccd3b.crt -out domain_public.pem -outform PEM

For the private key you already created, which is RSA, you also need to convert it to PEM:

openssl rsa -in star_domain_com_private.key -text > domain_private.pem

The next phase is uploading the public and private key to AWS in PEM format:

AWS –> EC2 –> Load Balancers

Create or open a current Load Balancer –> Listeners –> Add –> HTTPS –> Change –> Upload a new SSL Certificate

Copy and paste the public and private keys into the fields and Save

That's all!

USB Keyboard stopped working on my Macbook Pro Retina

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This is the most weird incident i ever experienced concerning with OS/HW !

After my Macbook comes back from the sleep mode, the USB keyboard stopped reacting, seems the USB port even stopped providing 5V electricity.

What i did:

1- Plugged the keyboard to another USB port, it works!! So no problem with the keyboard

2- Plugged other USB devices to the problematic USB port, it works!! So no problem with the USB port

I also reset PRAM and SMC, but still this did not bring any difference.

After, i found out the following thead under Apple discussions:

Apple Community Thread

Seems i am not the one who is having that experience, that's good at least!:)

The solution is:

– Connect any USB extension cable between the keyboard and the USB port, and it works:

IMAG0786 IMAG0787

This is the most weird situation EVER!!

The question is: How long will i need to keep on using the USB extension, forever? 



Connecting to AWS EC2 instances without a private key

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Sometimes this may be required, here is the practical way to do that:


useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/YOURUSER -g root YOURUSER




vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PasswordAuthentication yes

/etc/init.d/ssh restart


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