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Meetup happened at Google Fremont.

Although there were other presentations, i could only participate the following:

1. Aqua: As there are ongoing security concerns regarding with Docker/MicroServices approaches, as a response, i see various solutions to that. After my initial bias that Aqua is YADSC(Yet-another Docker Security Scanning), i realized it has other capabilities as well. Beside the CVE scan, it has also

  • Container Inspection which actively checks suspicious behaviour
  • Fingerprint the image from dev to production, preventing spoofing
  • Multiregistry support like ECR, GCR, Quay, JFrog…
  • Anomality Detection on containers
  • Prevent malicious behaviours

Demo regarding to malicious behaviour was fork-bomb


which is also known-as 

:(){ :|:& };:

If you enter this command on your bash, you will see the effect, no responsibility is accepted:)

@chernymi demonstraited the effect of fork-bomb and container freezed, after we saw that Aqua can handle this anomality.

2. rktnetes: @wobscale beginned with explaining what is rkt and differentiation with docker, going deeper with Stage1-2-3 approach of rkt.

He continued pointing out the SPOF of dockerd for <1.11 and continerd for >=1.11

Finally, he started to explain rkynetes, which basically use rkt as the container runtime.

Some of the benefits can be summarized as

  • There is no daemon running the containers
  • Works with systemd
  • runc is supported:)
  • features/speed competes with kubernetes:

Official release seems to be coming with Kubernetes 1.3

As a summary, Kubernetes is creating its own ecosystem as well. Especially for the ones using GCP, as Google Container Engine is kubernetes, it makes sense to go with.